Tuesday, December 31, 2013


From time to time, I hope to bring you intereviews with fellow authors. This month, it's the incredible Sascha Illyvich.

Why do you write PNR ménage romance?

I love the depth of the genre and the multitude of love that can be expressed by more than one partner.

What is your favorite body part to describe? Can you list a few?
Her entire essence…but if I had to pick one, I'd say, her hips, fingers and lips…

How do you judge if it's hot enough? (That's my goal at any rate!)
If I'm aroused while reading…

How hot is too hot?
No such thing in my opinion.

Bestiality vs shifter? What is your take?
Look, I don't understand furries, so how you think I'll understand bestiality! Though for some reason I find girls with tails hot…

What's one weird fact about your novel?
I honestly have no clue about His Reign. The weird fact may be that it's the second book where a heroine's name was chosen by a friend of mine and she picked something exotic? (The first time she picked a name, she chose Kissa, from another series I'm pimping soon…)

Why does your hero or heroine feel the need for the type of relationship they're in?
This is the way the mates in this world are set up, and usually it amounts to helping increase the emotional tension. Twice the love, twice the potential for letdown, twice the potential for strife, twice the potential for the hero to pull his shit together.

What does having two heroes or heroines do for them?
Creates balance. Humans are complex creatures and having someone who is logical and primarily emotional, while someone else is primarily emotional but logical also, helps that heart/head war we read about so much in romance.

Tell us a deep dark secret we'd NEVER expect!
I really don't have any secrets. People have known for years I'm a little off the wall, I cross dress, have a lingerie fetish, um…yeah. Pretty much nothing new here.

Batman or Superman?
Batman. Always.

Which character is your favorite and why?
See now this leads into triad territory. When I created Józsi I sort of based him off Joséf from Endangered (you see the resemblance?) and Vin Diesel. But his two lovers differ tremendously from Joszí's in that Joséf's second (Isabella) is darker and probably more pragmatic than Lukina, but that may be the difference in age. Oh and the fact that vampires Livía and Isabella are a few hundred years old, whereas Lukina and Ilona are werewolves and far less old. I don't know. This was supposed to be simple! Who came up with these questions!

What happened to the first book you ever wrote?
It became Paula's Craving, out at Decadent books and Amazon. It's a spicy, yet heartwarming romance story about a man who couldn't find himself until the woman he loved showed him who she saw in him.

Have you incorporated actual events or people from your own life into your books?
Yup. There's a LOT of real life and people in my stories. My loved ones are deep inspiration.

Do you listen to music as you write? If so, can you tell us a few of your must-haves?
Yup. Right now a must haves include: Stealing Axion, The Apex Theory, TesseracT, Vildhjärta, Textures, sometimes Ease of Disgust and Cilice. Oh and Elitist!

When you’re writing do you have to have certain items? A particular pen, a certain drink, snacks, etc.
Usually just water or tea.

If you weren’t an author, what would you be?
I've been saying for years now officially I'd be a musician. But in truth? Probably I'd be in Tobacco or alcohol production. I still may end up in those industries anyway, honestly. At least as side projects.

Buy link for His Reign: