Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Summer Reading

CONGRATS to Prince William and his wife Catherine on the birth of their son. What a lovely way to distract from what my UK friends tell me is an almost unbearable heat wave there.

Course it's no slouch weather here, either, with thunderstorms and heat and humidity--all the things that make Summer Summer :)

And the best way to distract from the feeling the air is a hot wet blanket wrapping around you or when the whole sky lights with jagged streaks and the boom of thunder rattles doors and windows (and nerves) is to READ READ READ (with loads of cold water, iced tea or ice cream-- or all three).

Stephen King has a sequel to 'The Shinning' coming soon. Not sure I can read it, if it's like the first. I didn't sleep for days after reading that one and I admit I still often jump at noises in hotel rooms. The Jack N. movie version cemented him, in my mind, for all time as the best actor to play an insane deranged person.

We all know the best books are those we fall in love with, either through the plot or the characters or both. Be it Romance, Horror, Mystery, History, Fantasy or Paranormal I want to love them all.  I should start a monthly book dedication-- Best and Worst. Of course, it would be my opinion only, and my tastes vary greatly from others. But it's definitely an idea spinning around in the back of my mind.

 And speaking of books. . . my hard working editor is hard at work on mine, and I should have a firm release date for everyone soon. Kylie and her Master have become very dear to me and I hope they will to you, as well.

Grab a book, some ice cream and read away the Summer heat. It's not long until Fall!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Horror Stories

I just finished Dean Kootz's, 'Deeply Odd'. I think the best horror stories are the ones like these and by the master of horror, Stephen King, who write about the every day and make it absolutely terrorifying. A possessd car can kill people, a family pet can turn into a killer, a simple trip to run errends becomes a run for your life.
As if Life isn't scary enough, these authors manage to turn the things we take for granted into the very things that could ruin or destroy our lives, or at the very least, change everything we thought we knew about where we're headed in life and who we think we are.
It's a lot like Love. It swamps us when we least expect it, changes everything we thought we knew and becomes a central part of our lives.
And let's face it: We all like that shake up from the every day, the excitment and yes, even the fear. Because we become the person we always wanted to be. If only in reading a book.
Which is why I love books :)