Sunday, November 9, 2014

Sunday Spotlight

Each Sunday I highlight a character from the upcoming novel She Waited. Today's Spotlight is on Brianna, a most. . . unique woman.



 DK: Hello Brianna, and welcome. Thank you for speaking with me.

Bri: Certainly. Tis a pleasure.

DK: That's a great accent, a bit like music. Irish?

Bri: Oh aye. I'm from our Green Isle sure as not. 

DK: May I also say, you have lovely red hair. A bit like another young lady we have featured here on the Spotlight.

Bri: (smile) And I thank you for the lovely compliment.

DK: Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Bri: I dinna have much to tell you. I'm but a common woman.

DK: Well, um, perhaps but you don't have feet and you float instead of walking. Plus I can all but see through your, um, body.

Bri: Oh aye, yes, I supposed there is indeed that small little fact.

DK: Can you tell us why you're mostly transparent?

Bri: T'was a curse done to me because--- (loud clap of thunder). Well then, I guess I won't be telling you.

DK: We spoke with a Brendan and he--

Bri: (grabs DK's arm and shakes it) You spoke to Brendan? Is he well?

DK: He looked fine. He doesn't speak much though.

Bri: Nay, not about some things he would not. Tis glad I am he's well.

DK: You're his wife.

Bri: That I am.

DK: Is he cursed as well?

Bri: (looks up) He is, aye.

DK: Anything else you can tell us?

Bri: Love always finds a way. And now I must go.

DK: Thank you for joining us for Sunday Spotlight. Join us next week for another interview.

Brianna as she appears in She Waited:

Kylie watched, spellbound, as the shape of a woman came into view. Her long red hair, the color of Kylie's own, streamed behind her, plaited and braided away from her face then left to waterfall down her back. She wore a light blue flowing tunic, a bit toga-like in appearance, her deep blue eyes intent upon Kylie. She was slim, her fingers long and slender as they held a scroll. She seemed about Kylie's own height. It was hard to tell. Her feet were not visible. She was not walking. She was floating, above the floor. And she was translucent. Kylie’s jaw dropped.
“Ah, now, no need to have any worries, Kylie love. I’ve nay wish to harm you. I just need your assistance.”